Unconventional, bold, beautifully woven tale of legend and history: Plan-B Theatre/UtahPresents production of KILO-WAT

In the first half of the ingeniously crafted play KILO-WAT by Aaron Asano Swenson, Ken, the Japanese-American podcaster, takes the audience through the family roots and foundations in the story about Wat ‘Kilo-Wat’ Misaka as a sports star. A Utah native of Japanese descent, he played point guard to lead the University of Utah basketball … Read more

Cimarrón to share its groundbreaking path in Colombian Joropo music with Salt Lake City in Sept. 27 Utah Presents concert

In South America, a good-sized portion of the Orinoco River basin is in Colombia that is identified by expanses of llanos and the east facing slope of the Eastern Cordillera in the country, which is part of the great Andean range. The region is marked by a diverse spectrum of Indigenous families and languages, including the … Read more