Backstage at the Utah Arts Festival 2023: Now in its 29th year, Literary Arts marks comprehensive depth in integrated programming with WordFest performers, poetry slam competitions, Community Writing Center workshops

EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to this centerpiece feature about the Literary Arts program at the Utah Arts Festival, see features about this year’s poetry slam competitions at this link, and features about Utah Poet Laureate Lisa Bickmore and Heather Lang-Cassera who was Clark County, Nevada poet laureate from 2019-2021 at this link. Also follow The … Read more

Backstage at the Utah Arts Festival 2023: Three major poetry slams slated, with Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah represented

Poetry slams have become one of the most popular offerings at the Utah Arts Festival, to the extent that the festival venue could launch its own regional competition. This year, the territory covered includes Utah, Arizona, California and Nevada.  There will be three major slam competitions: The Youth Individual Slam, The Adult Individuals and the … Read more

Backstage at the Utah Arts Festival 2023: Top-line summary of what to find at every festival venue

As noted in the centerpiece curtain raiser, organizers of the 47th Utah Arts Festival have packed impressive numbers of participants into its multidisciplinary programs. The following summarizes the top line highlights. Follow The Utah Review in the days leading up to the June 23 opening for features about the following:  ARTISTS MARKETPLACE For example, the … Read more