Two exhibitions at Utah Museum of Contemporary Art highlight creative entrepreneurship in its broadest scope, composing Latina art in vast, compelling spaces

EDITOR’S NOTE: This feature also is published in Spanish here. Translation is courtesy of Mark Alvarez, a local immigration attorney. Two ongoing exhibitions at the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art highlight the expanding perceptions of gallery presentations and visibility in visual arts: Beyond the Margins: An Exploration of Latina Art and Identity and Thomas Campbell: … Read more

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo: Más allá de las márgenes: Una exploración del arte latino y la identidad y Thomas Campbell: Creando algo para expresar algo, Compartir algo, Para que otros puedan sentir o querer crear algo, Esperanzadamente

Nota del Editor: Este artículo se presenta en español y inglés, gracias a Mark Alvarez. The Utah Review, aprecia su esfuerzo y su capacidad de ayudar en la preparación de las dos versiones. (English version is available here) Dos exposiciones en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo resaltan la expansión de percepciones de la galería en sus … Read more

University of Utah art faculty show Space Maker at Utah Museum of Fine Arts is captivating expression of spaciousness of creativity arising from a period marked by distancing and restrictions

For the last University of Utah faculty artists exhibition, held three years ago, the show’s title was Site Lines, which played on a phrase familiar to architecture – the function of the sightline which preserves a specific line of sight for an important or meaningful space when a new building is designed. The artists, working … Read more