Cooking has really become an art form. Since the launch of The Food Network, people are not only gathering in the kitchen, but around the table again, partaking in a home cooked meal. But what if your cooking skills are not up to par?
Fortunately, the Culinary Center, formally the Viking Cooking School, has a class for everyone, from the novice to the advanced. If there is a particular skill, or dish, you are wanting to add to your repertoire, they have you covered.
Even kids are getting in on the action. Classes for kids and teens are offered several times a month. In addition, summer camps run for three consecutive days, teaching kids many techniques and recipes, including how to make their own lunch each day. From pizzas to homemade breads and cookies, the kids will leave with an array of knowledge from the kitchen.
Not only does cooking provide fun and nutrition, it is also a great team builder. Many corporations enlist the services of the Culinary Center to provide an interactive experience of trust, working towards a common goal and ultimately celebrating an accomplishment. Demystifying myths that only some people are good at cooking is a great way to build individual confidence as well. Cooking is a universal language that can defiantly be taught.
Amy Christensen is the chef instructor for the teen classes. She enjoys teaching them skills they will use the rest of their lives. She believes there is something magical that happens with people and food. According to Christensen, cooking classes, at all skill levels, brings people together in such a way, that most leave as friends.
“The kids that I get to teach are a classroom of kids that want to be there,” Christensen said. “The kids have a great time. This is for everyone, you can no experience or have a lot of knowledge and there is still something that everyone can learn. Cooking and baking for me is about other people, It’s a love language for me.”
The Culinary Center also hosts private events and junior birthday parties. For class information visit: