Rare, exceptional exhibit of Ernesto Edwards’ collages slated at Ken Sanders Rare Books

Still in his twenties, Salt Lake City resident Ernesto Edwards made several trips to San Francisco and found his passion. In the city’s Mission District, the Berkeley Renaissance, one of the most vibrant offshoots of the Beat Movement, was gaining creative speed. Edwards, who had studied architecture at The University of Utah, met Robert Duncan, … Read more

Notes from FanX 2014: Larpers behold! Ex Machina Films has a story for you

A community college student eagerly aspires to be a writer despite a limited talent but he also fumbles in the real world because of his social awkwardness. He sees his tutor, a gifted graduate student whom he respects deeply, as the chosen hero of the prophecy from a game he plays as a member of … Read more

Notes From FanX 2014: Heroes

The first day of the 2014 Salt Lake Comic Con FanX show began with a message about heroes. In their welcome to the show press conference, surrounded by a circle of notable public servants, show producer Dan Farr and Utah State Governor Gary Herbert expounded on the theme of heroes in our daily lives. Ending … Read more