Backstage at the 2024 Gina Bachauer International Artists Competition: Meet the Quarterfinalists Part I

EDITOR’S NOTE: Each day this week, The Utah Review will provide short profiles, featuring the 33 quarterfinalists for the 2024 Gina Bachauer International Artists Competition. Afternoon and evening sessions begin Monday, June 17. For tickets and more information, see the Bachauer website.

The Utah Review asked each pianist to answer four questions: 

1. In addition to practicing, how do you mentally prepare or have other rituals (e.g., meditation, stress relieving activities) for either performances in general or competitions such as Bachauer?

2. What has been your most memorable performance so far in your career?

3. Besides the vast catalog of piano works, what other types of music do you enjoy in your spare time?

4. For younger pianists who aspire to careers and experiences such as you have enjoyed, what is one piece of advice you would encourage?

For more details, see The Utah Review preview of the competition.

Anfisa Bobylova, 32 (Ukraine)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I like having a walk in the nature, not speaking with many people before, just relax and concentrate.
  2. Most memorable performance: My concert in Konzerthaus Wien in October 2023. It was an amazing hall and atmosphere.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: Folk music, jazz, ambient
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: Be yourself, play as you feel, fo for your dreams ✨️

Rachel Breen, 27 (USA)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I don’t prepare for competitions any differently than I do for my other concerts. My daily life is a balance of running, practicing, enjoying time with my boyfriend and friends, and exploring art and philosophy!
  2. Most memorable performance: My most memorable musical experiences are time spent with colleagues or in the practice room—I try to forget everything that happens on stage, except as a learning tool to teach me what I can do better during preparation.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: I listen almost exclusively to choral and orchestral repertoire!
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: You can’t go too wrong if everything you play is honest and idiomatic to your own values and communication style…conforming to what you think people want to hear will pull you away from the essence of your art!

Yangrui Cai, 23 (China)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I relieve stress by taking a nap before the performance/competition.
  2. Most memorable performance: My most memorable performance so far in my career would be the first time I performed with an orchestra in Hong Kong. Since it was my first time performing with an orchestra, it was so special to see all the musicians working together to create such beautiful music. It reminded me of my desire to pursue a career as a concert pianist — to share my music with the world.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: Although I primarily listen to classical music, I also enjoy listening to indie music and pop music.
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: My one piece of advice would be: Music comes from within. Don’t practice too much — focus on feeling and expressing the music authentically.

Robert Brooks Carlson, 25 (USA)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: Eat plenty of bananas and avoid caffeine in the hours beforehand, and putting a lot mental focus on bringing a positive attitude to the instrument.
  2. Most memorable performance: Performing Amy Beach’s Piano Quintet at the Olympic Music Festival last year alongside some very close friends and wonderful mentors. For me, all music is collaborative, whether it be solo piano, chamber music, or concerti with orchestra—this particular performance was a very moving experience at the close of a couple beautiful weeks in the Pacific Northwest.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: Like most pianists, I have a deep rooted envy for string quartets and their incredible body of repertoire. Outside of classical music, I am happy with just about anything—I am not picky!
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: Practice as hard, intelligently, and as creatively as you can! Never lose sight of the fact that music is intended to be shared—life is a beautiful thing, and music is something that can help us all see that fact more clearly.

Tom Carré, 25 (France)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: La manière la plus efficace pour moi de moins stresser, c’est de passer du temps avec mes amis. (The most effective way for me to reduce stress is to spend time with my friends.)
  2. Most memorable performance: J’étais particulièrement ému de jouer récemment dans le théâtre de ma ville natale (à Carcassonne). Je n’y étais pas retourné depuis de nombreuses années, et j’ai retrouvé des amis d’enfance qui sont venu m’écouter. (I was particularly moved to play recently in the theatre of my hometown (in Carcassonne). I had not been back there for many years, and I met up with childhood friends who came to listen to me.)
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: J’adore aller à l’opéra, et j’aime aussi beaucoup le répertoire pour violoncelle. (I love going to the opera, and I also really like the cello repertoire.)
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists:Je pense qu’une des choses les plus importante, c’est de toujours se remettre en question. (I think one of the most important things is to always question yourself.)

Zhengyang Fan, 20 (China)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: Listen to music, outdoor sports, play badminton, etc
  2. Most memorable performance: Prokofiev’s Third Piano Concerto was successfully performed in China National Center for the Performing Arts with the internationally renowned conductor Professor Li Xincao
  3. Other types of music they enjoy: In addition to piano works, I also like to listen to symphonies, string quartets, operas, etc., and sometimes listen to rock music to relax!
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: You should have perseverance and creative imagination, At the same time, hard work training is also essential.

Misha Galant, 26 (USA)

  1. Preferred ways to mentally prepare for performance: I’m big on outdoor sports, so in addition to practicing I run 5-7 times per week and go bouldering with friends once a week. I also set aside an hour or two before bed to decompress (read, watch movies, etc).
  2. Most memorable performance: When I was 13 years old, I performed Chopin’s Concerto no. 1 with the Oakland symphony in California. The performance was part of a July 4 celebration and was held in an old warehouse that had been converted into a multi-purpose facility, in this case a concert hall (I also had senior prom in the same building). Roughly 3000 people showed up, most of them with picnic blankets, beer, and zero knowledge of classical music. People walked around and talked throughout the whole performance, but I was surprised to receive an emphatic and warm response when I finished playing. This experience has been a highlight for me to this day.
  3. Other types of music they enjoy:I enjoy just about any genre of music. Some favorites are Coldplay, Billy Joel, Nina Simone, and Basta (a Russian rapper).
  4. Advice for aspiring pianists: You will have setbacks. There are mean people in the industry who want you to fail. Don’t let this negativity distract you from your musical journey. Remember the main goal – to pay homage to the genius composers of the music you love and to communicate this passion to the world. Know that you are the reason classical music lives on through the ages.

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