Extra!Extra! Disney’s Broadway production Newsies takes the stage

As part of the Broadway Across America ensemble, Disney’s Newsies has arrived at Capitol Theatre through June 12. Newsies was originally inspired by the 1899 Newsboys Strike in New York City that left its mark on both the city and the industry, while also illustrating the way young, struggling newspaper sellers and the heartlessness of … Read more

Handle Salt Lake opens, bringing their trademark of freshness to the city.

Chef Briar Handly does not mess around. If you have visited his sister restaurant, Handle in Park City, you know exactly what I mean. With attention to detail and insistence upon local sourcing, the foods, rather the culinary experiences you will enjoy at HSL are delightful. “This is our evolution of Handle Park City, but … Read more

Odysseo, it really is an amazing show!

You’ve probably driven by the big white tent at South Towne Mall and seen the billboards advertising Odyesso long before it opened to the public in Utah last week. And the question on everyone’s mind is: is it worth the hype? Attending Odysseo on opening night with approximately 2,000 other spectators, I was pleasantly surprised … Read more

Sicilia Mia, serving authentic Italian cuisine, family style

“Mama Mia” was the greeting I received when I walked through the doors at Sicilia Mia Trattoria-Pizzeria in Holladay. Although it was my first time in the restaurant, the warm welcome made me feel like a well-known regular. This family owned and operated eatery, takes the idea of , ‘when you are here, you are … Read more

Utah Blues Festival is great music for a good cause

Carrie Scott Courtesy of Utah Blues Society

It’s summertime! Time for outdoor music concerts, food trucks and fun. Grab your lawn chairs and your dancing partner and head down to the 1st annual Utah Blues Festival on June 13, from 1-10 p.m. at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center. This musical festival is designed to both support local musicians and a local cause: … Read more

The Last Southern Gentlemen and all that jazz

Soothing…the first word that comes to mind when describing the sights and sounds of The Last Southern Gentlemen, who performed at the Capitol Theatre on Monday, April 13. When those four men took their positions on stage, I had a feeling I was in for a musical treat. With their southern swagger and Delfeayo Marsalis’ … Read more

Even Stevens, serving more than food

To say Even Stevens’ sandwiches are good is an understatement. Couple that good food with a conscience and a mission of changing their community, and you have something great. For every sandwich sold at Even Stevens, another is donated to a local non-profit helping to end hunger in the community. But the company is so … Read more

A timeless tale: Fiddler on the Roof

Since the musical first graced the Broadway stage in 1964, “Fiddler on the Roof” has proven to be a classic with a timeless message. For the past thirty years, the story of Tevye, the humble dairyman and father of five daughters has resonated with audiences as each generation struggles with keeping traditions in an ever-changing … Read more

JazzSLC: three shows left in the season

jazz slc logo

JazzSLC is a non-profit concert series that is produced and funded by the GAM Foundation. The GAM Foundation was founded by Gordon Hanks and Michael MacKay in 1994 in an effort to increase awareness and garner appreciation for our jazz community. Since its inception, the GAM Foundation has produced more than 200 concerts and featured … Read more