
The Women of Lockerbie play is gut-wrenchingly good

ByHeather KingMar 22, 2014

The Women of Lockerbie play Pygmalion Theatre Company closes out it’s production of “The Women of Lockerbie” by Deborah Brevoort at Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center this evening (March 22). The play is based on the real-life events following the crash of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland that killed 270 people. Set seven years after the plane crashed at this site, ripped apart by…


Utah Opera’s Silk & Spices Festival, March 19 & 20

ByHeather KingMar 17, 20142 min read

barbecue at Ho Mei BBQ To celebrate the Utah Opera’s spring production of Turandot,…


Utah Opera Presents Turandot

ByKelli NakagamaMar 17, 20144 min read

Maida Hundeling (center) and the cast of the Utah Opera during rehearsal for Turandot.…

'Clearing Bombs'

Clearing thoughts on a tough subject: Highly entertaining Plan-B Theatre’s ‘Clearing Bombs’

ByLes RokaFeb 28, 20145 min read

NOTE: Les Roka appreciates Mark Alvarez, an attorney and immigration expert who happens to have studied economics as…

Eri Hayward, today

Utah ‘Transmormon’ film by OHO Media, VideoWest garners Artistic Vision Award at Big Sky Film Fest

ByLes RokaFeb 21, 20147 min read

‘The most striking thing about the crowd is their ordinariness: just a bunch of earnest suburban moms and…